How to play Need for Speed ProStreet on Linux

Hi! Over the summer, I’ve gotten the Need for Speed itch. Thus, I’ve decided to play a title I have never finished: ProStreet. Getting to work on Linux was a bit of a challenge, however. I hope this post will help you run the game. It worked for me under openSUSE Tumbleweed, with Wine version 9.16 . The first thing you need is the game. The game isn’t available for purchase anymore, unless you buy second hand, so pirating is possible....

August 31, 2024 · 2 min

OUTDATED AND POTENTIALLY WRONG! Fixing a new bug that causes TF2 to crash on startup on Linux.

DISCLAIMER Hi! It’s winny from the future. This article is: Very old; Potentially incorrect in the Debian section entirely! I decided to leave this article up for the sake of historical purposes, but this issue has been fixed, I believe, since the introduction of the 64-bit client for Team Fortress 2, almost a year ago. As such, please don’t use this article. If you have issues with something regarding Team Fortress 2 and Linux, check TF2’s ProtonDB page....

September 5, 2023 · 2 min

What is, in my opinion, the reason why Linux isn't popular for normal desktop use?

Hi! For as long as I’ve used Linux, it wasn’t super popular with mainstream desktop usage, even amongst people that I consider to be nerdy or knowledgeable in this topic. I’ve tried many times to bring people over, oftentimes being met with failure. If you don’t mind a confession, I used to think that many people who didn’t want even try Linux were just… dumb. Lazy and dumb people, blinded by Windows’s and MacOS’s marketing....

July 13, 2023 · 4 min

SteelSeries Rival 3: Linux config mini-guide

Hi! I’ve purchased recently a new mouse: a SteelSeries Rival 3. I had a Logitech G102 mouse before, but it sadly broke. Setting it up was a bit of a challenge, however. I want to show you today how to set it up using two programs: a CLI one for general configuration and a GUI one for the lighting on it. I’m doing this post mainly as a reference for setting up most functions of the mice as of November 2022, using Linux native software....

November 30, 2022 · 4 min