Hi! I like playing TF2. It’s a fun game, even if Valve doesn’t really give a shit about it. Problem is that I haven’t played in quite some time and I wanted to play it recently. Sadly, I couldn’t due to a new update that introduced a bug, I think. I would tell you more if I knew more. All I know is the fix for this issue, that I found on ProtonDB’s page for TF2.

Fixing on Arch Linux/Anything Arch Linux based

The solution involves installing an AUR package called lib32-gperftools. It’s some Google modified memory allocation functions that improve performance for C and C++, from the looks of it.

Whatever AUR helper you have, use it to install it. I use paru, so for me, it’s a simple paru -S lib32-gperftools. Other AUR helpers should have a similar syntax.

Afterwards, in the TF2 launch options add LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib32/libtcmalloc.so %command%. Put them at the beginning of your already existing launch options. The game should open up now without any issues.

Fixing on Debian/Ubuntu/Anything Debian/Ubuntu based

Since I’m not on Debian, I will guess here. I’m not responsible for breaking your system.

The solution is to install a package called libgoogle-perftools4. It’s some Google modified memory allocation functions that improve performance for C and C++, from the looks of it. Install it with sudo apt install libgoogle-perftools4.

Afterwards, in the TF2 launch options add LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib32/libtcmalloc.so %command%. Put them at the beginning of your already existing launch options. The game should open up now without any issues.


Hope this helped ya! May Gaben give you no bots/cheaters in your casual games and plently of random crits. See ya!