A big part of my teenage life was discovering and playing osu!, a pretty popular rhythm game. I’ve been playing since June of 2016 and ever since then, I wanted to be a good player. Due to laziness, lack of motivation and other similar things, in my 6 years of playing this game, I didn’t get extremely far, but I keep on trying to both improve and have fun.

In the summer of 2020, I was playing this game quite a lot, to the point where I was doing things that were previously impossible for me. I felt really good about that time and I want to redo it and also document the entire process.

As the title suggests, I’m going to do these weekly, ideally. I will talk about the scores I have set in that week, some stuff outside the game but still related somewhat, My thoughts on different things, and other things that I find important to share. My main goal with this week series is start doing those amazing things again, while also sharing on some of my knowledge that I have gained and I will gain with this. I hope it will be fun. If you guys have suggestions, here’s my contact information.

Here’s to some great circle clicking! ^o^