Hi all! I have said in my most recent blog post that I want to add comments to this blog. After a bit of thinking about it, though, I kinda wonder if this is really a good idea.

To explain, we have to go a bit back, around a year ago, if my memory recalls correctly. I posted a post similar to my “Personal Matters” post. The same day I posted it, some goons came on a Discord server I was on and they saw that post and began to troll me over it. I have deleted it since then, because… well, I don’t know why exactly, but I did. Remembering this event made me realize that if I had comments on my blog back then, they would have been there, trolling and generally make this place a ruckus.

I have a bit of a history being a lolcow and a drama queen (or king, rather) online, so I wonder if adding comments will be truly a good idea. I can’t lie when I say that I don’t really trust anybody online. I know that almost nobody visits this blog, but I do fear that goons will search high and low to find places like this one to destroy, or I will do something elsewhere that they disagree with, they find this place and as revenge, they will spam this place with bullshit, thus destroying it, and I don’t really want this place to be destroyed. If you want to tell me something, here’s my e-mail.

I won’t add comments. I’m sorry to say it, but I fear shit might hit the fan really bad. Perhaps I will change my mind on this, I’m not 100% sure myself on this matter. I just don’t want my history to come back and haunt me. I did a lot of stupid shit online under this alias and I hate that I have it, but I can’t change it. I hope to come to you soon, hopefully with something more interesting. See ya!